
This is not a complete list of all community rules; to read all community rules please see the Bylaws pdf linked below. The rules highlighted on this page are the more common ones that create concerns in our community.

​​Light Post

You are required to turn on the black lamp post light in front of your home from dusk to dawn.  The Wheatfield Lakes subdivision has very few street lights. For the safety of our community, please leave your lamp post lights on.

Architectural approval forms

Architectural Changes – Our Community CCRs (VIII 8.01) establish that any external Architectural change does require review and approval from the Architectural Committee prior to commencing work. Upon completion, a follow-up should be requested so the Committee can provide a Certificate of Architectural Compliance for the change. This includes but is not limited to changes such as sheds, fences, pools, patios, satellite dishes, external antennae, and shingles. This is in place to help ensure that changes remain compliant with Community guidelines and to homeowners avoid unnecessary expenses.

Any Exterior Changes

Any exterior structural or property modification including but not limited to, decks, pools, concrete, or patios requires the Board of Directors’ approval on the architectural approval form (above). Once your project is completed an inspection will take place and a Certificate of Compliance from the Board of Directors will be issued to ensure that your modification cannot be challenged in the future.  Building permits from the Town of Wheatfield are also required where applicable. 


There are many guidelines for fences, please use the fence checklists below when planning your fence project. Be sure to open the correct checklist for your property address. If you are unsure, please contact the Board Administrator. The checklist for fence approval can be found below


When building a shed, you must submit an architectural approval form (above) to the WLHOA.  Make a copy of your property survey (you can contact the Town of Wheatfield to obtain a copy if you cannot find yours).  Indicate the placement of your shed on the survey.  Send the survey copy with your shed placement clearly indicated – and include your shed design or plan (retail shed brochure is acceptable).  All sheds must meet the WLHOA requirements. Please use the shed checklists (below) when planning your project:

**Villas @ WL has a smalller shed requirement size, please contact Realty Performance Group for that information. 


Above ground pools are prohibited (temporary wading pools are allowed in the summer, providing they do not exceed 2 feet in height and must be located in your backyard and emptied each day. The Town of Wheatifeld also requires a fence around any pool, regardless of height. In-ground pools require architectural approval in advance of the installation.

Recreation Vehicles, Boats, and Trailers

May not be parked on any street, driveway, or property without the prior approval of the Board of Directors. 

Garbage/Recycling Cans/Trash or Refuse

Garbage cans, recycling totes or other garbage/refuse/trash must be stored out of view from adjacent and surrounding properties within 24 hours of the garbage pickup. These containers may not be stored on the side of your home or the front of the garage. 

Signs and Advertising

May not be placed on any lot or living unit at any time. A single “House for Sale” sign may be permitted with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Common Areas

All backyard ponds are common areas available to all residents of Wheatfield Lakes.  They have been designated as protected wetland area by the NYS DEC.  You cannot mow or dump debris in these areas.  You cannot build permanent structures such as decks, docks or fire pits on common areas.

Use of Lake 

The Lake is Private Property owned by the Wheatfield Lakes Homeowners Association and it is not open for public use or for the use of our residents.